Angular 4 - The Beginning
When i first started using Angular 2 its in beta. Getting started with Angular is pretty easy. The team provided an awesome cli-tool which will help to create, develop, test and build the Angular project easily. We need to install the angular/cli (Formerly angular-cli) globally. Latest angular/cli(1.1.2 at the time of this writing) will create an Angular 4 project. npm install -g @angular/cli Suppose you need to create an Angular 2 project. What will you do? NOrmally what i will do is will install rc4 version of angular cli and create a new project, which will by default create a angular2 project. Then later will update to latest cli and the project will work smoothly in latest cli, npm install -g @angular/cli@1.0.0-rc.4 So that's all about angular/cli. You could check out detail in here. Lets create an application and try it. For creating new application run the following command. ng new ngApp This will create a new application and it will install all the dependenc...