
Showing posts from 2012

How to create key hash in Windows 7 64bit

Recently i tried to get started with Facebook SDK for Android . Actually there is a good tutorials for getting started in facebook developer site. I followed this link I created a sample app in Facebook developer site and added the key hash in App setting . but When started the app i found the Facebook Authentication is working at all.I got Mobiletest is misconfigured for Facebook login. Press okay to go back to the application without connecting to facebook If you press okay it will go back to the application. And it will show an error like Login Failed: invalid_key: android key mismatch. Your key "abcdefghijklmns" Does not match tje allowed keys specified in your application Settings This is because you have entered a wrong key in Apps settings in After lot of googling i found that the keytool am using giving a wrong key hash. The error is...

Upload Video to Facebook Using Actionscrpt 3.0

For the last one week am searching for uploading video to Facebook using Graph Api from Flash. First challenge is to find something which will help to capture video from webcamera and convert it to ByteArray. The problem is Actionscript doesn't had any utlity to save video from webcamera. It uses Flash media server to save video. But i need something which not uses any server side acript. After searching several hours in google i found a link. In this utility it uses snapshots from the webcamera which will encode it . Though it had some drawbacks and limitations, it serves my requirement for small videos. I used it for creating videos. Next i need to upload video to facebook. This is the api used to connect facebook using Actionscript. This API uses a different function for uploading videos to facebook . Facebook.uploadVideo(). The reason for different...

First Shots from Canon 550D

First Shots from Canon 550D , a set on Flickr. Finally , i bought a SLR Camera , Canon 550D. And here is my first shots ...

Change Android AVD location in Windows7

Why am always forget to update this blog? I don't know. Anyway i would like to share a small tip i came across when i am working with Android. Android.. hmmm ... Sorry i just started to learn Android. Like all other thing am experimenting with Android. First i just added 4 AVD and tried to make Fifth one and got an error. I just looked my partioion and found that C drive is almost full.. It's because the Android AVD is created normally in  C:\Users\UserName\.android\avd  and i am just giving every AVD a 5GB SDCARD also. What else ? :P I searched google and found and solution . I just copied the .avd folder from C:\Users\UserName\.android\avd and just pasted it to another drive. And i also edited the configuration file of each AVD. Got the idea ? no? Okay i have a AVD named " gingerbreadWVGA " . I would have a " gingerbreadWVGA.avd " and " gingerbreadWVGA " configuration file on " C:\Users\UserName\.android\avd\ ". I just cut a...