
Showing posts from August, 2011

Connecting Flex 4 with AMFPHP

These days am missing this blog coz am busy with learning Flex. When i tried to connect with AMFPHP i can't find anything useful. Most of them were vague .Using the default data connectivity in Flash Builder am more confused and it's code looks complex . Atlast i found someone helpfull from adobe forum . When i tried to implement it , it shows nothing and missing some files. When i checked the PHP file, though am not good in PHP , i found there is also something also missing. I tried and searched and corrected the files. Here is the MXML code: import; import mx.controls.Alert; import; import; import; protected function getAllEmployees_resultHandler(event: ResultEvent): void { dataGrid.dataProvider = event.result; } protected function getAllEmployeesByID_resultHandler(event: ResultEvent): void { dataGrid.dataProvider = event.result; } protected function createEmployees_result...